SQL Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition

SQL Pocket Guide by Jonathan Gennick
208 pages; Publisher: O’Reilly Media; Third Edition edition (November 16, 2010)
Language: English; ISBN-10: 1449394094; ISBN-13: 978-1449394097

SQL Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition

If you’re a programmer or database administrator who uses SQL in your day-to-day work, this popular pocket guide is the ideal on-the-job reference. You’ll find many examples that address the language’s complexity, along with key aspects of SQL used in IBM DB2 Release 9.7, MySQL 5.1, Oracle Database 11g Release 2, PostgreSQL 9.0, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Release 2.

SQL Pocket Guide describes how these database systems implement SQL syntax for querying, managing transactions, and making changes to data. It also shows how the systems use SQL functions, regular expression syntax, and type conversion functions and formats.

All example SQL statements in this book execute against a set of tables, with data that you can quickly download. The third edition covers important database changes, including:

Oracle’s support of the recursive WITH syntax, and addition of PIVOT and UNPIVOT operatorsFunctions new to Oracle, such as LISTAGG, NTH_VALUE, and morePostgreSQL’s support of recursive WITH and some window functionsDB2 syntax and datatypes, some compatible with OracleMySQL features such as the TIMESTAMP type and the TO_SECONDS function

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